
Posted by Zi Hang on 9/26/2009 09:25:00 pm

Finally, SPM Trial was finished..
Because of a little problem I wasn’t post up timely..
Well, this time I really died jor..
I very stray because I lost all of study force b4 trial..
I don’t know what is the purpose of my study?..
So this time I think my result will very bad..

BM-karangan I 4get all of the peribahasa so I didn’t write any in my esei.paper2 died immediately bsc my tatabahasa is very very bad1.

BI-essay I just write abt 300 words, still have less 50 words. Paper2 failed seriously. I didn’t write any on the novel part..

Sejarah-This is the only1 I prepare in holiday but I got a tips b4 exam from 5aRen..& I trust it 100%.Then,I was crazy bsc the paper is terbalik 100% of my tips..i was very disappointed after dis..

Science-I very tired because I didn’t sleep b4 sej. so I just read 1 ½ chapter den I sleep on my bed. So also don’t know what is my write on paper2.

BC-如果有个柠檬,就做柠檬水after I read dis I laugh out immediately,& I ask teacher y wanna put lemon & can change it nxt time? On my essay I write qs1”A sentence affect me”den I write it down & show 2 伍慧仪 see & she laugh..

Add Maths-walau eh~paper 1 is super extremely difficult. I have half an above qs.don’t know how 2 do. Everybody remember teacher TAN YING YING, she graduate from 清华大学(the top university of china).

Moral-aiks..I remember the definisi but 4get the nilai.

Economic-I lost my form4 test bk b4 exam.& I duno y after a week of rest I lost all my fight so I just read a little part & I never complete it in the time.

Art-I duno what is my drawing & the objective is really difficult I just know 1/50.

Maths,BookKeep-still ok lo~

Conclusion is this trial is my date of died.The result was cant see1.
But I tell myself this trial just trial no SPM so haven died.
After SPM TRIAL I just know 1 2 get lots of A in SPM is difficult.
I was disdain SPM before..
(last 52 days 2 SPM)



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